Visa Application for Ukrainian Evacuees to enter Japan

Visa Application for Ukrainian Evacuees to enter Japan

Flow of procedures: 手続手順

If you temporarily evacuate from Ukraine to Japan due to an invasion by Russia, it is falling under “Evacuees” instead of “Refugees” under the Japanese law.


Step 1

Apply for a “Temporary visitor visa” at the Japanese Embassy near you. Please be sure to state that you would like to evacuate to Japan in applying for your visa.

Step 2

The person in charge at the Japanese Embassy attaches a Temporary visitor visa to your passport.

Step 3

Board an airplane and visit Japan.

Step 4

You are granted 90-day status of residence after going through immigration at a Japanese airport.

Step 5

Find an accommodation for your stay within 90 days after entering Japan and apply for permission for change of your visa status to the status of residence for long-term stay at the Immigration Bureau near you. At first, you are granted 1-year status of residence which allows you to work in Japan.You will need passport, application form and statement of reasons for this application. If you have a guarantor, you will need to submit a letter of guarantee as well. Our firm can do these immigration procedures above on your behalf.

If you have any problems with the procedures after entering Japan, please feel free to contact our firm. I, as an Immigration Lawyer, will support you as much as possible.
