We have been experiencing frequent issues with our reply emails not reaching Yahoo domain email addresses.
When making inquiries, please use an email address other than Yahoo.

If you have any inquiries, please fill out the following form and send it to us.
Our person in charge will respond to you as soon as your message is confirmed.


E-mail addressrequired
Phone number
Country or region
Inquiry detailsrequired
Consultation method required
date for consultation First-choice date for consultation:

Second-choice date for consultation:

How did you find our firm?
Inquiry details/consultation detailsrequired To help us assist you better, please provide as much detail as possible.
Attached documents</td ×

Several files can be attached here if you have them.

We strive to appropriately protect and use personal information.
We kindly ask you to make an inquiry to us after reading and agreeing to our privacy policy.