Privacy Policy

Japan Expert Immigration Law Firm (hereinafter called “we”, “our” or “us”) establishes a policy on protection of personal information (hereinafter called the “Privacy Policy”) as follows and promotes the protection of personal information, building a system to protect personal information as well as causing all of our employees to fully understand the importance of personal information protection and to make their best efforts for such protection.

Management of Personal Information
We keep personal information of our clients (hereinafter called “you” or “your”) accurate and updated and strictly manage it by taking necessary measures including the improvement of maintenance and management of our security system and adequate education for our employee as well as security measures in order to prevent any unauthorized access to or loss, damage, destruction, falsification or leakage of your personal information.
Purposes of Use of Personal Information
We use the personal information provided by you for the purpose of sending e-mails or materials as communication with you, introduction of our services to you or response to your questions.
Prohibition of Disclosure or Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We appropriately manage your personal information and does not disclose it to third parties except in any of the following cases.

  • If we obtain your prior consent
  • If we disclose it to our contractors who are entrusted by us to perform our services so that we may provide the services requested by you; or
  • If we are required to disclose it by applicable laws and regulations.
Security Measures for Personal Information
We take all possible measures to ensure the accuracy and security of your personal information.
Confirmation of Identity
If you wish to refer to, correct, modify or delete your personal information, we respond to your request after confirming your identity.
Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Codes; Revision of the Privacy Policy
We comply with any and all laws, regulations and codes applicable to the personal information in our possession and strive to improve the Privacy Policy by reviewing its details from time to time.
If you have any questions or inquiries about our handling of personal information, please feel free to contact us as specified below.

Japan Expert Immigration Law Firm
7F-B,Kagurazaka-Kitagawa bldg. 6-42 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan 162-0825