Eligibility to Work in Japan
For foreign individuals to enter and reside in Japan to work, they need to obtain a status of residence that allows employment. Some status of residence categories have specific criteria such as educational background, work experience, or skill tests. Therefore, individuals should first confirm whether there is a status of residence applicable to the activities they intend to engage in Japan. Then, they should verify the certification criteria set forth for that status of residence. If they believe they meet the criteria, they need to prepare the necessary documentation for verification. Statuses of residence listed as "Eligibility to work" "Employment permissible," or "Eligibility to reside" indicate eligibility to work in Japan. If the foreign national, who is the applicant, resides overseas, a representative residing in Japan should apply for the Certificate of Eligibility to the Immigration Office with jurisdiction over the address of the intended workplace. Naturally, when making such an application, it is essential to provide documentation (e.g., an employment contract stating labor conditions) to demonstrate that the purpose of residency is employment.
Below are typical examples for each type of residency status:

(1)Status of Residence: "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" ⇒ Engaging in interpretation and translation work at a trading company.
◆Main Criteria
1. Work Engagement (The intended work must fall under at least one of the following criteria):
- Engaging in translation, interpretation, language instruction, advertising, overseas trading operations, design related to fashion or interior decoration, product development, or similar activities.
- Having at least three years of practical experience in tasks related to the intended work. However, this requirement does not apply to individuals who have graduated from university and are engaged in translation, interpretation, or language instruction.
Receive compensation equal to or greater than what Japanese nationals would receive for similar work engagements
(2)Status of Residence: "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services”⇒Engaging in an engineering position at a system development company
◆Main Criteria
1. Work Engagement (The intended work must fall under at least one of the following criteria and the individuals must possess the necessary skills or knowledge required for work):
- Having specialized in subjects related to the specific technology or knowledge, the individual must have graduated from university or received an equivalent education.
- Having completed the specialized course in a vocational school in Japan, focusing on subjects related to the specific technology or knowledge (subject to the requirements specified by the Minister of Justice through public notification regarding such completion).
- Having 10 years or more of practical experience, which includes the period spent specializing in the relevant technology or subjects related to knowledge at universities or equivalent institutions.
Receive compensation equal to or greater than what Japanese nationals would receive for similar work engagements
(3)Status of Residence: "Business Manager”⇒Engaging in management for companies or similar entities.
◆Main Criteria
1.Presence of Office
There must be a physical office in Japan to conduct business operations. If the business has not yet commenced, there must be a facility secured in Japan intended for use as the office.
2.Scale of Business
- The business must employ at least two full-time employees residing in Japan other than those engaged in management/administration (excluding individuals with residency status as defined in Schedule 1 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act).
- The capital stock or total investment must amount to 5 million yen or more.
- The business must be deemed to be of a scale equivalent to that described above.
(4) Status of Residence: "Specified Skilled Worker 1”⇒Engaging in hospitality duties at a restaurant.
◆Main Criteria
- Specific Skills Assessment Test administered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, conducted by the General Incorporated Association Overseas Human Resources in the Food Industry Skills Evaluation Organization (OTAFF).
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N4 (Level 4) or higher.
- Recognized as having a scale equivalent to the requirements mentioned above.
2.The management system of the employing company.
The employing company must ensure effective management for supporting foreign employees.
In addition to the cases listed above, there are many other instances where foreign individuals are invited to Japan for entry and residency. The procedures for inviting them to enter and stay in Japan generally follow the steps outlined below.
- Confirm if the intended activity in Japan aligns with the status of residence under the current law.
- If there appears to be a status of residence that aligns with the intended activity, review the qualification criteria for that status of residence.
- If the applicants seem to meet the requirements, they can start looking for a job within those standards.
- Once the job (employer, etc.) is confirmed, the applicant delegates the procedure for the Certificate of Eligibility to our office.
- We will review the applicant's background, intended job responsibilities, and the business status of the prospective employer comprehensively and objectively before proceeding with the application for the Certificate of Eligibility.
- We will apply for the Certificate of Eligibility to the Immigration Office which has jurisdiction over the location of the company where the applicant intends to work.
- Once the Certificate of Eligibility for Residence Status is issued by the Immigration Office, the employer or relevant parties will send it to the applicants using international mail.
- Upon receiving the certificate, the applicants submit their passport, Certificate of Eligibility, and other required documents to the overseas embassy (Japanese embassy/consulate) to apply for a visa.
- After receiving the visa from the embassy, the applicants enter Japan and undergo entry inspection at Japanese airports or other entry points.
- Upon receiving the landing permission stamp on their passport from the immigration officer, the applicants must decide their residence within 14 days of arrival and register their address